Thursday, March 18, 2010

Recovery or not?


It has been long while I have not publish anything here. Now, I repost one interesting article blog by other blogger:

CAT Co reports retail sales of machines declined 20% y/y in Feb and sales of reciprocating & turbine engines to retail users & OEMs declined 33% y/y in Feb

Another source off the wire has even uglier numbers:

 Caterpillar Inc Reports 3 month dealer statistics;
Dec-Feb sales - filing
- Retail Sales of Machines:
              Feb.10    Jan.10    Dec.09
Asia/Pacific DOWN 2% UP 1% DOWN 12%
EAME* DOWN 22% DOWN 35% DOWN 41%
Latin America DOWN 20% DOWN 15% DOWN 24%
ROW* DOWN 15% DOWN 19% DOWN 28%
North America DOWN 30% DOWN 40% DOWN 46%
World DOWN 20% DOWN 27% DOWN 35%
Sales of Reciporcating & Turbine Engines
to Retail Users & OEMS by Business Sector
                Feb.10   Jan.10   Dec.09
Electric Power DOWN 26% DOWN 27% DOWN 27%
Industrial DOWN 15% DOWN 22% DOWN 44%
Marine DOWN 23% DOWN 18% DOWN 29%
Petroleum DOWN 47% DOWN 46% DOWN 46%
Total DOWN 33% DOWN 33% DOWN 36%

(Hattips to rebeltraders and aztrader)

I thought last February was pretty much "the depths of Hell" when it comes to the economy and heavy industrial orders?

My comment: I 100% agree with this blogger. Remember earlier last year, economy was doomed and supposed to be "The Bottom" according to majority of economists words. Then how come CAT business are still going south compare to last year same period. Why? Why? I do not know. You are the one to judge it the following: "Economy is recovering??" Well, as everyone can see, it seems to be truth only for Wall street but definitely not our nation economy.