This is really really scary. Henry Paulson, the treasury chief has always telling every American that there is no need for US government to take over the FRE & FNM all the time....til 9/7/08. What a Jerk lier! If the issue of FRE & FNM are really really not in deep xxxx trouble, US government would not rescue them. So, everyone, do not just listen to what so called economists or government personal's words. There are no faith on their words. Do our common sense thinking or read my blog. Look at the chart and do any action to protect your life investment. If need help, welcome to contact me. Good Luck (to America too cause our national debt has just adding 5 trillion on the book..total is around $15trillion now). Oh, also there are going to be thousand of smaller banks will fail because they are holding tons of common and preferred shares of FNM & FRE( both eventually going very close to zero soon ). Listen to me, do not deposit any of your money into smaller or regional banks. FDIC may not have money enough to cover the default banks. Treasury has already used their biggest & last bullet on FNM & FRE.
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