Monday, November 24, 2008

Too big to fail?! Again?


With government help package, Citigroup is rescued by wasting our taxpayers money again. Yes, our disqualified government actions have so far failed to contain every problems that we have since year 2007 to present which shaking the financial industry. Not just financial now, it is widespreading to whole entire world economy. This is Sad. Why nobody said and make our Fxxx government stop stealing our hard-earn taxpayers money to put into wall street. When can they stop doing do?! It is wasting every penny with no productivity at all. Do we get any more job out of those silly rescue effort?! None. Citigroup will surely become another AIG, equity shareholders are become worthless on their investments by government injection. Oh, Man! Folks, wake up. None of our current government officials know how to solve these mess at all. Maybe they know, they are just taking our taxpayers money into their piggy bank(share with Wall streets and those officials). What do you think next month that Citigroup would ask for next round of rescue? Another 20 billions?! Geez, I have already said that 700 billions is not going to help at all and the amount it needs is at least 10 or 100 times more to solve these mess. All I wanna to tell is we will see next AIG, Citigroup rescue for sure. Or, the new government start realizing this is silly and non-sense waste of taxpayer money. The tap is higher and higher.

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