Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What ??! Pradon Me !! 2nd Stimulus ....


As I always thought, our government are only keep printing money without solving any issue or helping our economy at all. None!! Period!! As every major news source....

"I think we need to be open to whether we need additional action," said by House of Representatives Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.


Laura D'Andrea Tyson, an economic adviser Obama, said on Tuesday in Singapore that the United States should be planning for a possible second round of fiscal stimulus and focused on infrastructure investment.

What?! then consider sunday our vice president admitted:
"we misread how bad the economy was....."

Everybody, let see where they so called experts economists and white house bought us into? They are liable for what their economic policy. Correct!! You cannot just admit "I was damn wrong back then underestimate how bad our economy will go...." those all f*&^ BS stuffs. We are not children, white house, we now all are feeling, seeing, frustrating about our future, fake hope of 2nd half year recovery. I swear to you white house folks:"Recovery your ass" Now, to make us fool again to introduce 2nd stimulus wasting money scheme. Damn. Good luck to us all !!!

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